Two component solvent-free, polymer-, silicate-bound coating system

Product description

WILLKAT® BS is used as a coating material in sewer structures and waste water engineering plants:

  • Pipes
  • Manholes
  • Digestion Towers
  • Flow Channels

WILLKAT® BS is also used as a coating in industry:

  • Lau Plants
  • WHG-Areas
  • Biogas Plants
  • Separator plants for fats and light liquids
  • in collecting basins for chemical substances against aggressive media
  • biogenic sulphuric acid load, mechanical and chemical load

Packaging units

Item nameSizePackaging
WILLKAT® BS - A4.2 kgMetal can 5 Liters
WILLKAT® BS - B6.8 kgPlastic can 10 Liters